
Posts Tagged ‘Richardson’

It seems the sewage from 2008 has spilled over into 2009 in a manner that will leave many of us unable to leave behind that awful anno.

Now that Governor Bill Richardson has withdrawn his assent to be B.O.’s Secretary of Commerce we officially have a rocky start to a presidency that has yet to actually begin.

From Blagojevich to Richardson, to Jackson to Reid the Chicago Machine is dragging along all the vaunted Democratic principles that have long upheld them to Washington. Not that the fair city on the Potomac needed any help.

Don’t think for a moment thought that I am bashing Democrats in particular. They are just the best known current examples. Sadly public life (especially at the higher levels) has become positively Byzantine in its intrigue, corruption and greed.

Take for instance Roland Burris, the man appointed by Illinois’ discredited governor. In early December Burris was condemning Blagojevich as “appalling”, “reprehensible” and describing the governor as “incapacitated”. He then promptly lined up to shake Blagojevich’s hand and beg for the seat. This is only the latest most prominent example of the bottomless pit into which public ethics has fallen.

In past generations the best and brightest entered military academies to serve in the armed forces and into the universities to serve in the civil, and diplomatic corps as well as in the clergy. Now these honorable positions are brushed aside by a culture dedicated to gain, luxury and utterly devoid of a concept of service.

As the spectacularly mediocre and the stunningly inept continue to dominate all levels of public policy from the White House to Capitol Hill there seems to be some reasoning behind the idea of categorically raising the bar. That the human material filling these posts, whether elected or appointed is flawed is beyond question. Therefore there should be incentive for those in these offices to clean up their act.

It is perhaps time to introduce an old Roman custom. That is that any major officeholder is subject to investigation into all their acts as soon as they leave office. No immunity would be possible and the punishments would be severe. Any malfeasance, corruption, or criminal neglect of duty would result in immediate loss of pension, long imprisonment and in more severe cases decapitation.

We seem to be incapable of electing competent leaders so we could at least give them ample incentive to remain honest and passable while in office. If they cannot be smart at least they can be made to be good. Nothing like a razor at the back of your neck to make you walk the straight and narrow.

von Rum


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