
Posts Tagged ‘Electoral College’

Some people are afraid of heights. Some of snakes. Others cannot stand spiders, cows, or birds. Some people are terrified of crowds, others of being alone. Me, I am afraid of stupid people.

Let me be more specific. It is not just the less than intelligent that disturb me. They are so many that there is no escaping them. Rather it is those who are unable to locate their own state on a map yet are determined to vote. They could not tell you who their representative in Congress is yet are determined to vote. Some are not even citizens but seem to be determined to vote this time.  Many cannot even properly identify the various candidates.

Something about this seems wrong on so many levels.  I work with the public and see those of many backgrounds, economic levels, ethnic groups, and political persuasions every day.  One thing cuts across all those groups.  That is ignorance.  America may not have a monopoly on political ignorance, but we have a very healthy market share.

Take this for example from 20/20
This one small example could be multiplied a hundred times over.

Often in my line of work I am privy to not so private conversations about politics, religion, etc. I rarely though inject myself into these conversations due to the appalling ignorance that I hear spewed from those in the debate. Debate is to strong a word though, it suggests intelligence.

To have an intelligent discussion about politics with the average voter you first have to have basic American history classes with them, then remedial English. Most voters are not even capable of understanding the terms used in the political process, much less the process itself. It is this ignorance that allows these two parties, republican and democrat, criminals that they are, to continue to produce the most mediocre and loathsome candidates as if they were the product of a fine tuned machine.

All in all it is very disturbing. Those who know me know that I am no fan of “democracy”. It is little more than mob rule. I say thank God for the Electoral College. Apparently the Founding Fathers felt as I do that most people are simply unprepared to make the vital decisions on who leads us. I find that we need not more but far fewer people voting. Those who are too ignorant to understand what they are doing should do the country a favor and stay home.

von Rum

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Yes it has been a few days since von Rum has posted and no von Rum is not gone.  Apologies for the wait.  I will be along tomorrow with more BS and perhaps even a little rum.  I have been busy stocking up on ammunition and have been neglecting my duties otherwise.

Less than a week till the election.  At least the Electoral College can still save us from Marxism if need be.

von Rum

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